Sleep Mode
Go to Menu > Sleep Mode to activate sleep mode. Sleep mode is useful when you need a bedside clock that can play music. In sleep mode:
- The clock background becomes black.
- The clock window is set to fullscreen.
- All visual elements (except for the clock, upcoming alarm and weather) are hidden.
- The sleep music playlist or radio station starts playing (if a playlist or station has been set).
If a sleep music playlist or radio station is set, it starts playback as soon as sleep mode is activated. The music playback continues till the Sleep Music Duration set in Sleep Settings. At the end of this duration, the music gently fades away and stops.
Sleep Settings
In sleep mode, click on the settings icon button below the clock to open the Sleep Settings window.
- Exit Sleep Mode: Exits sleep mode and returns to the normal clock mode.
- Open Media Player: Opens the media player.
- Display Off: Turns off your monitor (if you wish the app to continue running, but do not like the glow of the monitor while sleeping).
- Toggle Fullscreen: Exit or re-enter fullscreen while remaining in sleep mode.
- Show Weather In Sleep Mode: Show or hide the weather below the clock.
- Weather Icon Color: Sets the color of the weather icon below the clock.
- Play Music In Sleep Mode: Enable this to play a specific music playlist or radio station when sleep mode is activated. Note: A music playlist or radio station must be set for this to work.
- Sleep Music Duration: Sets the duration of sleep music playback (5 to 720 minutes).
- Sleep Music Source: Choose to play either a music playlist or radio station in sleep mode.
- Music Playlist: Select the music playlist to play if you have choosen “Music Playlist” as the sleep music source.
- Radio Station: Select the radio station to play if you have choosen “Radio Station” as the sleep music source.
- Show Upcoming Alarm: Toggle to show or hide the upcoming alarm below the clock.
- Sleep Clock Size: Drag the slider to change the size of the sleep clock.
- Sleep Clock Style: Sets the style of the sleep clock.
- Foreground Text Color: Sets the color of the sleep clock and other foreground elements.
- Foreground Text Opacity: Sets the opacity/brightness of the sleep clock and other foreground elements.